I’ve seen this growing several places including a big stand at the Arboretum. There’s a flower I recorded earlier called Wood Poppy or Celandine Poppy — this one is weedier looking. Family: Poppy. Origin: Europe.
Celandine (Chelidonium majus)
This is from the Ranunculacea family, which means “little frog.” (Meaning they like wetlands.) Introduced from Europe.
Common Buttercup (Ranunculus acris)
Bonus picture: I went to Volante Farms today, and after all this searching for tiny hidden flowers, the bounty of giant blossoms seemed almost fake…
Saw this at Elm Bank today but can’t identify it. Ideas, flowerophiles? Maybe it’s not wild and that’s why I can’t find it in the usual places. Look at the pollen on the petals…
Bonus mystery purple flower: some variety of violet with dark leaves, and a spur on the back of the blossom. At Ridge Hill today.
I was excited to notice these beautiful little yellow flowers hiding on this thorny bush. Now I find out it’s another destructive invasive. It can form thick brambles that crowd out everything else. Red berries in winter. Origin: Japan. (Thanks to Alert Flowerophile Irit for wrangling Lucy while I took pictures.)
Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii)